We are a village of 1627 (Census 2011) people located in the top northwest corner of Essex, close to the county boundaries with Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. Although we are an Essex village we have a Cambridgeshire post code and a postal town address of Haverhill, Suffolk.
The village is 3.3 miles (8 minutes drive) from the market town of Haverhill, Suffolk. 10.6 miles (21 minutes drive) from Saffron Walden, Essex and 22 miles (43 minutes drive) from the City of Cambridge.
The village has many amenities. There is Steeple Bumpstead Pre-School, Stanley Drapkin primary school, two pubs (The Red Lion and The Fox and Hounds), two churches (St Mary’s Church and Steeple Bumpstead Congregational Church), a library, pottery and petrol station with a post office and general store.

Parish Councils have a variety of powers and duties, all of which impact directly on the community. The role of Steeple Bumpstead Parish Council is to represent the local community, deliver services to meet local needs, and improve quality of life and community well being.
The Parish Council provides and maintains a variety of important and visible local services including War Memorial, bus shelters and some open spaces. It is involved in community transport schemes, community safety and crime reduction measures, events and festivals, footpaths, leisure and sports facilities, litter bins, planning, street cleaning and lighting, traffic calming measures and village greens.
The Parish Council is funded by levying a "precept" collected with the council tax from the residents of the parish. All Parish Councillors are unpaid and have been appointed (usually by election) to serve for four years, unless a casual vacancy arises which may be filled by a by-election or by co-option.
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