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Parish Councillors & Contact Details

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Kerry Barnes


We have lived in Steeple Bumpstead since 1995 and have brought up our family here, all having now flown the nest. I have been involved in many village organisations in our time in the village, including The First Responders Group, setting up The Scout Group, and The Steeple Bumpstead 3K & 10K runs. I have been part of the Parish Council since 2000 and currently as Chair. My wife and I enjoy walking the many footpaths around the village, often with our Spaniel.

Tel: 01440 730794

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Peter Hill

Vice Chair

My name is Peter Hill I have been one of your parish councillors since 2019.
I have lived in the village since 1986. I am a keen golfer and a member of the HGC and Heydon Golf Club.
I have been a member of SBBC for 15 years a committee member helping run the club and captain of the A team. I have recently been instrumental in having the number of Fido bins around the village increased as well as litter bins. Street lights failures again I have an involvement as well. 
I am also one of the deputy village emergency coordinators.

Tel: 01440 730266


Jon Borges


I have lived in the village since 1986 and have been on the PC since 2017.
My children and grandchildren have all been part of the village all their lives and now the grandchildren attend the local primary school. We enjoy village life and have supported various groups over the years. I also like to play bowls at our excellent village club.
My current role with the PC is part of the team working on producing our very important Neighbourhood Plan and I am part of the planning and finance working groups

Tel: 01440 730616

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Ian Westrope


My name is Ian Westrope. I have lived or worked in Steeple Bumpstead for 68 of my 73 years, with all my family attending the village school, as my father also did before us. Our family business Westrope Motors in North Street is now in it's 5th generation of operation being supported by our village community.
My Interests are my family, maintaining and driving my collection of old cars together with aviation and flying. I have always tried to be involved in village life, taking part in organisation including; Parochial charities and being a Founder and active member of the 1st Responders Group until recently.
I am also a member of St Mary's Church, Moot Hall trustee for 50+ years laterally as a treasurer. A member of the Bowls club for 60+ years, having been given the honour to be their president for the last 10 Years. Finally, I have been a Parish councillor for 21yrs in that time overseeing the restoration of our War Memorial and the ongoing aim of a Cemetery lay-by.


Tel: 01440 731933

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Ian Mackenzie


My name is Ian Mackenzie and I have been a member of the Parish Council only for a short period of time since June 2020.I have lived in Steeple Bumpstead since 1980 and married to Gloria who has lived in the village most of her life, I have over the years tried to get myself involved in events in the village whenever possible, I am an active member of the Round Table Family having served as one of its National Presidents in 2006/2007 and currently active with Haverhill & District 41 Club and I am self-employed.
My current responsibility on the Parish Council is the Play Area on the Camping Close. Work has already been undertaken to make some necessary repairs and that work is ongoing. As well as regular inspections of all the Play equipment I have undertaken a project to look at the whole Play Area and see how improvements can be made in the future.
The Play Area is very popular with many children and I welcome advice from parents and children on how we can improve this area for you.

Tel: 07860 952730


Colin Rust


I have now lived in the village for over 30 years and have only recently become a Parish Councillor.
This role is certainly something that I enjoy and I am looking forward to helping out in all aspects of the community to improve village life for everyone. When we moved here back in the early 1990’s I immediately joined the Steeple Bumpstead Bowls Club and took an active part in fundraising and helping to run the club. Over the years I have been Captain, Chairman and more recently Treasurer.  
When my son took an interest in football I then  became involved with the Dynamos Football Club. Initially, I helped out as committee member and then took on the Treasurer’s role. My hobbies include DIY, fishing and of course bowls which takes up much of my time in the summer months.

Tel: 07484 851055

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Roy Swaby


I moved to this wonderful village in 2017 , coming from a construction background,  I am passionate about the culture and historical aspects of the village . I have joined the parish council as I believe I can make a difference as well as help the community . 
Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or ideas you may have to Improve the way our community works 

Tel: 07944 735020

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Alice Hexter


I moved to Steeple Bumpstead in 2019, with the intention of getting involved in village life.
As a new member of the PC, I have responsibility for Community Engagement, including our contribution to the Yellow Book and the further development of our Online presence.
I hope to ensure that our village is a vibrant, welcoming and inclusive community. I really welcome ideas which will help bring our community together and I look forward to meeting and working with you all. 

Tel: 07977 539585


Cllr Christian Lacey


Christian and his wife bought their first home in the village in 2001 living in Peppercorn Cottage (adjoining our village lock up) and quickly fell in love with Steeple Bumpstead knowing they had made the perfect decision to live here. Christian quickly began to get active in the village joining the football team and its committee and after a period of time taking over as Chairman for circa ten years where they enjoyed their most successful period since the late 80s/early 90s. This led to him being a member of the village hall committee and being involved with fundraising across both groups over the years. As his family grew he moved just two doors down to Old Tiles where he and his family live now.
Having always lived in villages he is passionate that we get out what we put in and has wanted to do more which led to his desire to join our Parish Council. Having worked for companies like Sainsburys and TUI he specialises in and brings along skills of programme and project management as well as a recognised leader in change and is excited to bring these skills to support fellow councillors in all the good they are working to achieve

Tel: 07904 804067


Julia Howard

Clerk to the Council

My name is Julia and I am your Parish Clerk. 
I have been employed by SBPC since March 2020 on a part time basis and have previously worked for several Essex based district and borough Councils and Essex County Council. 
I don't live in the village, but in the nearby village of Great Yeldham. 
I aim to help keep Steeple Bumpstead a beautiful and peaceful village. 

Tel: 01787 237999

Working Groups

Planning - Kerry Barnes (lead), Peter Hill, Jon Borges

Open Spaces & Footpaths - Ian Mackenzie (play area lead), Colin Rust (footpath lead) , Alice Hexter (InBloom lead), Roy Swaby & Christian Lacey

Highways & Police - Ian Westrope (lead), Peter Hill & Colin Rust

Policies & Grants - Alice Hexter, Christian Lacey & Kerry Barnes 

Emergency Planning Group - Ian Westrope (lead), Peter Hill, Alice Hexter & Roy Swaby

Neighbourhood Plan Group - Jon Borges, Kerry Barnes, Peter Hill & Roy Swaby

Street Lighting - Clerk, Peter Hill & Roy Swaby

Finance - Kerry Barnes, Jon Borges and Peter Hill

Personnel - Kerry Barnes, Peter Hill and Ian Mackenzie

Community Engagement & Events- Ian Mackenzie, Alice Hexter, Colin Rust, Christian Lacey & clerk. 

District Councillor

Diana Garrod          07979 790637


County Councillor

Peter Schwier            01787 460473


Member of Parliament
James Cleverly MP
020 7219 8593


Appointments To Other Bodies

Ann Coles Foundation - Richard Argent has agreed to be re-appointed   (1 trustee appointed annually)


George Gent Foundation - (1 trustee appointed annually)


Steeple Bumpstead Parochial Charities - Chairman (2020) - Nigel Chapman (2020) - Ian Westrope (2019)

Paula Suckling (2019) - Frank Aldred is also the Parish Council representative ex officio. (4 Trustees , 2 appointed every 2 years for a 4 year term)


Moot Hall Charity - Chris Davison (2019) - Johnathan Suckling (2017)


Village Hall Management Committee - John Fellows

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