Braintree District Council - Local Plan to 2041
Braintree District Council is currently reviewing its Local Plan, which serves as the strategic framework that guides growth and development in the Braintree district, where businesses and homes will be located, and protection of the green environment and heritage. The site submissions are now available on the BDC website via an interactive map, together with detailed information about the plan and how to respond:- Click on the link 'Call for Sites' and then the 'Call for site submissions' to see all the sites for the district on a map.
There is also a 2-minute information video on YouTube entitled Braintree District Local Plan Review - Guiding Sustainable Growth:
BDC would like to encourage residents, businesses and communities to email with their views at or write by post: Planning Policy, Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, Essex CM7 9HB, or via the council's planning portal on their website
by 5pm on Friday 16th August 2024.