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Call for Sites response submitted

The Parish Council planning group met on 1st August and discussed each of the sites that were submitted - above is the report that has been sent to BDC Planning Policy team.

Here is a section of the document

STEB 2282 - Blois Meadow Business Centre

Whereas Steeple Bumpstead Parish Council are keen to support local employment opportunities and see this proposal as an obvious site for expansion of the business centre. We do have some concerns about the site being on a flood plain and in a high-risk flood area and being outside the village development boundary. However, there would however be a benefit to the village as a whole

PC Recommendation - support 


STEB 2285 - Land to West of North Street

This site forms a natural infill plot between existing developments but is outside the development boundary and partially within the conservation zone. Development of this site will also not comply with out emerging Neighbourhood Plan which states that development should only be within the village development boundary. However, as development of this site would provide a much better balance to the aesthetic look of North Street and thus be of benefit to the village as a whole, Steeple Bumpstead Parish Council would support a proposal to develop the site if all restrictions could be complied with

PC Recommendation - support


STEB 2281 - Land North of Helions Bumpstead Road

This plot is outside the village development boundary and is elevated from the level of the existing properties so any development here would be above the level of the existing properties and not in balance with the properties in the immediate area. Development of this site will also not comply with out emerging Neighbourhood Plan. Steeple Bumpstead Parish Council can see no advantage to the village as a whole to develop this site 

PC Recommendation - Do not support


STEB 2284 - Land north east of Water Lane (Parcel A)

This site is outside the village development boundary and outside the area of the existing settlement. Developing this site would be an unnatural expansion to the natural village cluster. Development of this site will also not comply with out emerging Neighbourhood Plan. We see no advantage to the village as a whole to develop this site

PC Recommendation - Do not support


 STEB 2283 - Land north east of Water Lane (Parcel B)

This site is outside the village development boundary and outside the area of the existing settlement. Developing this site would be an unnatural expansion to the natural village cluster. Development of this site will also not comply with out emerging Neighbourhood Plan. We see no advantage to the village as a whole to develop this site

 PC Recommendation - Do not support

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