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Safer Essex Roads Partnership raises awareness of drink driving in local pubs

Pubs across Essex will display posters and beer mats from today highlighting the importance of planning your journey home ahead of time.

The aim is to help people avoid unplanned drink-driving, which has resulted in around 123 people in Essex sadly losing their lives over the last 10 years.

Even the smallest amount of alcohol can lower an individual’s inhibitions. This can make drink-driving seem less risky and lead to poor decision-making while driving. 

If caught drink-driving, penalties can include a criminal record, six-month prison sentence or unlimited fine. It can also affect employment opportunities.

Following the success of SERP’s 'Euros Football Friend' campaign, 'Think Pint, Think Plan' encourages pub-goers to think about how they are getting home.

It encourages people to use public transport or a lift and make responsible choices to keep themselves and others safe.

Will Cubbin, Partnership Manager at SERP, said: “We are keen to send a positive message to drinkers this autumn - enjoy your evening, but get home safely. Planning ahead could be all the difference between a good night, waking up in a police cell, or worse.

“We urge pub-goers to scan the QR code on the posters and mats, familiarise themselves and their friends with current drink-driving legislation, and take strong note on SERP’s advice on planning ahead.

"This campaign forms a strand in our strive to Vision Zero, the shared ambition that there should be no death or serious injury on Essex roads by 2040. We hope Essex residents take time to plan their journey, pre-pint.”

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